Xbox 360
NOTE: DO NOT BUY A USED XBOX 360! Way too many smart gamers have figured out ways to sell RRoD'd Xbox 360s to retailers, who then pass them on to unwitting consumers. It will be a HUGE hassle for you. Buy a new Xbox 360 with the warranty that Microsoft gives to new console users and you will be much less likely to deal with a serious hardware failure. In fact, why not support our site and use the link to the right! |
The service is reliable and the online multiplayer is usually fun (it depends on the game). It also definitely helps that most of my friends are on Xbox Live.
The vast majority of users who own an Xbox will be able to tell you of at least one RRoD they have personally experienced. I've experienced one, I have a friend who's experienced at least two, and many others who have been left with a steaming pile of junk instead of a beautiful, powerful game machine. From what I've researched, the issue seems to come from heat management. The Xbox 360 is a powerful machine and generates a lot of heat, but also tries to be relatively quiet with its fans and heat sinks. It doesn't really work, and the Xbox will be prone to overheating. Adding a fan to my Xbox has seemed to solve the issue for me, but I'm always on-edge after that first experience.
The other problem is that after paying the annual fee, the player is subject to seeing additional ads that, usually, are completely irrelevant to gaming. It definitely detracts from the experience, especially considering how expensive the annual fee is already.