![]() This is your wake up call. The Nazis have taken over Europe. Now America, Britain, and the Soviet Union must save Europe from the plague of Nazism. You are a small part of the greater war, but the role you play is an important one. I purchased this game on Steam and got it to work on my 64-bit Windows 7 computer. For those of you who want to definitely have a working version, Steam is probably your best bet. I also picked it up on sale, which is always a good thing.
1. Gameplay
Call of Duty is one of the best video games ever created. Gamers who have never played it before, or who go back now to try it for the first time, will never be able to fully appreciate what it did for the games they play now. But, for its time, Call of Duty was amazing. The AI were smart enough to use cover and grenades, the controls were smooth, the variety of weapons was awesome, and the story of the game compelling. You really did feel like an allied combatant during World War II. The game essentially has one campaign that is broken into three segments. The segments tend to overlap (they go chronologically), so the player will fight alongside the Americans, the British, and the Russians. Each segment has its own feel and fits well with the goals of each nationality. As an American, the player will feel like one small part of a large push against a massive German force. As a Russian, the player will feel like a member of an overwhelming swell of under supplied but numerically superior Soviet force. As a Brit, the player will feel like one of a small team of men in charge of completing dangerous covert tasks that turn the tide of war. Each chapter is set up with information as to what is going on in the area and how that affects the larger scale of the war. Everything makes perfect sense because it acts as a cog in the larger machine. While in the mission, characters will occasionally talk, especially if there is a new mission objective, but the “chatter” is not so constant as to become a nuisance. Nobody ever just stops to chit-chat. The player is constantly hustled from one area of action to another with very little breathing time. This is a good thing. This kind of non-stop action is set up so well that it never really feels like the enemy is attacking in waves. Instead, the enemy is a constant flow with some enough variation to keep things fresh but enough consistency so that the player can get a firm grasp of the tactics that are necessary for victory. Like I said, this is one of the best video games ever created. While it may be a bit dated now, every true gamer should play through this game at least once. It’s an awesome part of gaming history and an extremely well-designed game.
There is also a multiplayer section, but due to the age of the game the number of servers with active players is very small. Most of the servers with “players” are actually filled with poorly programmed bots. This can be a fun turkey shoot for players looking to just mess around and see how many kills they can get, but it does get repetitive and boring after a short time.
Sometimes the enemy AI could seem to be a bit too accurate. It may be difficult for a non-gamer to understand, but keep in mind that in games like Call of Duty the player is required to do most of the heavy lifting. The player will be killing hundreds of enemies and forced to survive throughout the entire game. If the player gets caught in a situation where multiple enemies are firing from different angles straight at the player, it can be very difficult for the player to find an adequate resolution. This is especially true when the player is forced to shoot at machine gunners. The player will usually be forced to find some way around the machine gunners as to avoid the hailstorm of bullets. However, usually the machine gunner’s flanks are protected by a good number of enemy troops that are hiding in cover waiting for the player to move forward. Sometimes the objective could be slightly unclear or difficult to find, but these situations were relatively rare. 2. Parental Notices o Violence - 7 As this is a first-person shooter, violence is a constant element. However, the quality of the violence is relatively mild. The player will shoot at enemies with a variety of weapons. The hits will create a small red blood-like smoke from the enemy, but the blood never stays. There is no gore present in the game. The player will have the opportunity to use a small array of explosive weaponry. Enemies who are caught in the explosion will usually just be flung a few feet into the air before falling back down. Like I said, there is no gore in the game.
There is also a few occasions where alcohol will be present. The player will have to break into the wine cellar of a mansion in order to free a POW. The consumption of alcohol is never mentioned. However, both of these instances are so mild that substances are not a factor in this game.
3. Other Factors
A similar situation occurs later in the game. The player is aboard a German “Lorry” (this takes place during part of the British campaign) when he is suddenly chased by gun-wielding Nazis in other trucks. The player has to shoot these trucks with Panzerfausts while the driver maneuvers at high speeds. At the very beginning of the game, the player parachutes down onto the landscape. Shortly afterward, other paratroopers are seen landing nearby.
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