![]() Morning sunrise over Africa. How deceptively peaceful. Sent on an assignment to kill the infamous weapons dealer known as "The Jackal" you find yourself fighting for and against an entire nation in the midst of a civil war...
1. Gameplay
This game also includes an extra element that, for those willing to pay attention to details, adds an extra element of realism. The game includes a very detailed set of fire-mechanics. If a player lights a fire in some sort of vegetation or flammable substance, the flames will slowly spread out. They will continue to spread until all of the fuel in the region is consumed. This can lead to some raging brushfires. However, the game developers seemed to spend more time on game mechanics rather than on storyline, since Far Cry 2’s storyline is weak at best. The player enters the country searching for a man known as “The Jackal”. Unfortunately, the player’s constant fight with malaria leads to the escape of the Jackal. You have to search for the Jackal while funding your campaign by fighting for both sides of a civil war. It seems like this game was meant to make the player choose a side of the war since there are three overall. However, the player has to complete every mission that all three sides gives in order to complete the game. The end result is total confusion as to what is going on and who you are helping and why. This lack of a true story is only compounded by the completely unsatisfying ending. The end at the very least implies that the player dies. You get two choices, and both end in your death. It was entirely disappointing and felt like a terrible cop-out to what should have been either a sequel or an expansion pack (see “Definitions”). The other noticeable issue was that the game was very, very empty. Africa is alive with wildlife of all different shapes and sizes. However, the landscape was devoid of all animal types except wildebeests, gazelle, and zebras. Towns and cities were also devoid of humanity except for any enemies. The only civilians in the entire game were those found in the “safe houses”.
Players going for achievements or trying to buy all of the weapons in the game will have to find briefcases with diamonds inside that are hidden around the map. This will definitely be time consuming, but it can be worth it to obtain the different weapons.
The other frustration involved the game’s fast-travel system. The game allows the player to quickly travel between bus depots. There were always five for each of the two locations; one in each corner of the map and one in the center. This meant that a player could quickly be placed in a mission that was in one of the four corners of the map, but often times the missions would take place between these depots. This led to a lot of extra travel time that a player must endure. However, the environment is so interesting to look at that this isn’t a huge problem. 2. Parental Notices
The game does feature some rather constant violence. The player is hated by pretty much everyone in the game. There are a few “safe zones” where the player will not be attacked, but these are few and only on certain locations on the map. These locations can also change depending on the situation and the mission. If the player violates a cease-fire zone, the entire population of that zone will come out to attack the player. There are a few specific types of weapons that will be a bit more violent. For example, Far Cry 2 includes flamethrower (to go with the fire mechanics described earlier) that can burn enemies. Even enemies that get caught in the brushfires caused by weapons and explosions can be burned as well. The player can also use his knife to stab down at an enemy who is on the ground. The animations for these are relatively quick and not very graphic.
I’m not a huge fan of needles and injections, so I got a bit queasy every time I had to do this. However, it’s fairly mild overall. The player also has malaria and constantly has to take medication. The medication comes in the form of pills that the player must take at somewhat regular intervals. Some characters are seen to smoke, but this is relatively minor.
The player is also able to hang glide in the game. Gliders can be found hidden in various parts of the maps.
If a player is damaged enough, he will have to mend some seriously injured part of his body before he is able to use the miniature syringes. This process will usually depend on what type of damage was taken before the healing process began. For example, if the player took fire damage before he begins healing from low-health, he will usually have to pat out a fire that is on his jeans. If he was next to an exploding car, he might have to remove a piece of rebar from his leg. If he was shot, he might have to remove a bullet from his hand, arm, or leg. If he fell, he might have to relocate his knee, fingers, elbow, or shoulder. It’s all done in first person, and all pretty gross. It’s not always graphic, but if you have problems watching surgery on television shows, you’ll have problems with these. Africa
This game takes place in Africa. Yes, the player will have to shoot Africans, most of whom are black. No, not all of the enemies in this game are black. In fact, the main antagonist is white. There is no racism in this game.
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